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Accession number 912L : 2090/25
Transcription 12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers .
Years ' Ser .
The Prince's Plume . The Rising Sun and Red Dragon . " Eorrr " ( with the Sphinx ) . " PENINSULA " " WATERLOO " " SEVASTOPOL " " CENTRAL INDIA . " Full Half Colonel - Edward Pole , Cornet , 7 July 25 ; Lt. P19 Sept. 26 ; Capt . 18 Nov. 31 ; Major , 30 July 44 : Lt. Colonel , 30 Mar. 47 : Colonel , 28 Nov. 341 Major General , 16 Feb. 62 ; Lieut . General , 23 Oct. 71 ; General , Oct.
Pay . Pay
1 Jan.
... Lieutenant Colonel John Charles Le Quesne , Cornet , 29 April 56 ; Lt. 7 July 57 ; Capt . 18 July Major , a4 April 72 ; Lt. Colonel , 5 June 75.1
Major - John Sprot Tait , Corset , July 62 ; Lt. 31 Jan. 65 ; Capt . P13 June 68 ; Major , 14 June 76 .
... John Cecil Russell , on special service ,
Cape of Good Hope
John Beauchamp llayes
pe . Hon . Henry John Lindley Wood ,
D.A.A. & Q.M. Gen , Cyprus ...
Hea . Walter John Stewart
... John Frederic Hornby
Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
George Mure Martin
Edmund Morton Mansel - Pleydell
... Charles Edward Beck ........
... Mervyn Henry Archdale
Henry Ashton Case
George Henry Dean
... Philip Paston Mack
William Colquhoun
Joseph Henry Banks , Adjutant 10 Mar. 75
... Frederick William Benson , Interpreter ..
Thomas Alexander Hill
... Edward Coope Fulcher
... Abercromby Anson Craven Nelson
Ernest Henry Godolphin Quicke
... on . George William Henry Vernon .
George Pearson ......
18 Sept. 60P16 Aug. 64 28 May 70 1 April 74 .
Paa Feb. 681 Sept. 69
3 Aug. 72
30 Aug. 64 28 May 70
1 April 74 1 April 74
P14 Oct. 68 9 Oct.
3 Oct. 74
30 Jan. 66 7 May 68 7 July 75
Pa Jan. 69 P 3 Aug. 7031 Oct. 71
P23 Jan. 69 P10 Aug. 70 14 June 76
P8 June 7 Pas Mar. 71 31 Aug. 78
3 Aug. 72 13 Nov. 781
14 Aug. 79
28 Oct. 71 28 Oct.
30 Oct. 78
30 Dec. 7a
9 Aug. 73
Aug. 74
26 June 67
Oct. 71
13 Jan. 69 9 April 70
26 Mar. 75
14 Aug. 73
10 Jan. 72
29 Nov. 76
26 Mar. 75
... Paymaster - Alexander Sidney G. Jauncey , 1 Feb. 68 ; Honorary Captain , 1 Feb. 73 .
... Riding Master - Henry Robertson , 17 Jan. 73 .
Quarter Master - Henry Denyer , 30 Dec. 76 ; Lieut . 22 Sept. 75 .
Secunderabad , Madras , Depôt , Canterbury .
Veterinary Surgeon . - Stuart Murray Wilson , 14 July 69 .
Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co. - Irish Agents , Messrs . Cane and Sons . Embarked for India , 29 December 1876 .
1 General Pole commanded the 12th Lancers in the Kafflr war of 1851-53 ( Medal ) ; in General Somerset's expedition over the Kei in 1851 he commanded the Cavalry and Artillery ; and in 1852 he commanded several Patrols and Columns . Served in the Crimes from 9th May 1855 , and was present at the capture of Tchorgaan , battle of Tchernaya , siege and fall of Sebastopol , and at Eupatoria with the Light Cavalry Brigade ( Medal with Clasp , sth Class of the Medjidie , and Turkish Medal ) .
Lt. Colonel Le Quesne served with the 12th Lancers in India during the mutiny ( Medal ) .
Major J. O. Russell served throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 as Aide de Camp to Sir Archibald Allson , and was present at the battle of Amoaful , the battle of Ordahan and capture of Coomassie ( mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp ) .
Major Hon . H. J. L. Wood landed at the Gold Coast on the 30th November 1873 , and served as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war , including the capture of Borborassie , battle of Amoaful , the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomaasie , after which he was sent home with the despatches ( mentioned in despatches , promoted from Lieutenant in the soth Hussars to Captain in the 12th Lancers , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp ) .
154 Years Ser .
12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers . Secunderabad , Madras , The Prince's Plume . The Rising Sun and Red Dragon . " EGYPT " ( with the Sphinx ) . " PENINSULA " Depôt , Canterbury . " WATERLOO " " SEVASTOPOL " " CENTRAL INDIA . "
Half Colonel . - Thomas Hooke Pearson , CB . Cornet , P14 Mar. 25 ; Lt. P1 Aug. 26 ; Capt . P16 Aug. 31 ; Bt.Major 19 June 46 ; Major , P23 April 47 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel , 20 June 54 ; Colonel , 26 Oct. 58 ; Major General , 6 Mar. 68 Lieut . General , Oct. 77 ; Colonel 12th Lancers , 4 Feb. 79 .
Lieutenant Colonel . - John Charles Le Quesne , Cornet , Fag April 56 ; Lt. 7 July 57 ; Capf . Pr8 July 62 Major , 24 April 72 : Lt. Colonel , 5 June 75 .
Major . - John Sprot Tait , Cornet , P8 July 62 ; Lt. P31 Jan. 65 ; Capt . P13 June 68 ; Major , 14 June 76 .
... John Cecil Russell , Equerry to II.R.H.18 Sept. 60P16 Aug. 64 28 May 70 the Prince of Wales ... John Beanchamp Hayes Paz Feb. 68 P1 Sept. 69 3 Aug. 72 ... p.a.e . Hon . Henry John Lindley Wood ...... 30 Ang . 64 28 May 70 ... Hon . Walter John Stewart ... 14 Oct.
69 3 Oct.
68 P 9 Oct. P30 Jan. 66 7 May 68
... John Frederic Hornby
Pa Jan. 69P 3 Aug. 7031 Oct. 71
P23 Jan. 69 P10 Aug. 70 14 June 76
P8 June 70 P25 Mar. 71 31 Aug. 78
3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78
ܝ ܐ ܐ ܬ ܣ 8 as ܃ ܃ t ܗ ܩ ܗ ܢ ܗ ܬ ܗ ܕ ܝ ܗ ܘ
... ...
... Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
... George Mure Martin .
... Charles Edward Beck .......
Edmund Morton Mansel - Pleydell
... Mervyn Henry Archdale .
... Henry Ashton Case , Instructor of Mus- ?
ketry , Cavalry Depot
... George Henry Dean
Philip Paston Mack
William Colquhoun
Joseph Henry Banks , Adjutant to Mar. 75
26 June 67
... Thomas Alexander Hill
... Frederick William Benson , at Staff College 13 Jan. 69
... Edward Coope Fulcher
... Abercromby Anson Craven Nelson
... Ernest Henry Godolphin Quicke
Hon . George William Henry Vernon
... George Pearson .........
... Sidney George Crosse ......
14 Aug. 72
28 Oct. 71 28 Oct. 72
30 Oct. 78
4 Dec. 78
30 Dec. 72
9 Aug. 73
12 Aug. 74
28 Oct.
26 Mar. 75
9 April 70
14 Aug. 73
10 Jan.
29 Nov. 76
26 Mar. 75
12 Paymaster - Alexander Sidney G. Jauncey , 1 Feb. 68 ; Honorary Captain , 1 Feb. 73 .
... Riding Master . - Henry Robertson , 17 Jan. 73 .
... Quarter Master . - Henry Denyer , 30 Dec. 76 ; Lieut . 22 Sept. 75 .
1 April 74
29 Nov. 79
1 April 74 1 April 74 741 7 July 75
Veterinary Surgeon . - Stuart Murray Wilson , 14 July 69 .
Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co. - Irish Agents , Sir E. Borough , Bt . and Co. Embarked for India , 29 December 1876 .
1 Lieut.General Pearson served in the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore , in 1825-26 , and was a volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party ( Medal ) . Served with the 16th Lancers a
the battle of Maharajpore , 29th Dec. 1843 ( Bronze Star ) . Also with the 16th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 , including the action of Buddiwal , of the 16th Lancers , and commanded -
and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon - at Aliwal he commanded the Right Wing
Sobraon and to the end of the campaign ( twice mentioned in despatches , Medal and one Clasp , Brevet of Major , Regiment in the latter part of the action ; commanded the Regiment at and CB . ) ..
Lt. Colonel Le Quesne served with the 12th Lancers in India during the mutiny ( Medal ) .
Lt. Colonel J. C. Russell served throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 as Aide de Camp to Sir Archibald Alison , and was present at the battle of Amoaful , the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie ( mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp ) .
Major Hon . H. J. L. Wood landed at the Gold Coast on the 30th November 1873. and served as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war , including the capture of Borborassie , hattle of Amoufal , the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie , after which he was sent home with the despatches ( mentioned in despatches , promoted from Lieutenant in the soth Hussars to Captain in the 12th Lancers , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp ) .
Secunderabad , Madras . "
12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers . The Prince's Plume . The Rising Sun and Red Dragon . " EGYPT " ( with the Sphinx ) . " PENINSULA " Years ' Ser . " WATEELOO " " SEVASTOPOL " " CENTRAL INDIA . " Full Half Colonel . - Thomas Hooke Pearson , CB . Cornet , P14 Mar. 25 ; Lt. P1 Aug. 26 ; Capt . P16 Aug. 31 ; Bt . Major ; Pay . Pay . 19 June 46 ; Major , P23 April 47 ; Bt . Lt. Colonel , 20 June 54 ; Colonel , 26 Oct. 58 ; Major General , 6 Mar. 68 ; Lieut . General ,: Oct 77 ; Colonel 12th Lancers , 4 Feb. 79 .
... Lieutenant Colonel . - John Sprot Tait , Cornet , P8 July 62 ; Lt. P31 Jan. 65 ; Capt . P13 June 68 ; Major ,
14 June 76 ; Lt.Colonel , 5 June 8o .
Major . - John Cecil Russell , Equerry to H.R. H. the Prince of Wales ; Cornet , 18 Sept. 6o ; Lt.P16 Aug. 64 ; Capt . P28 May 70 ; Bt . Major , 1 April 74 : Bt.Lt.Colonel , 29 Nov. 79 ; Major , 5 June 8o .
68 P 9 Oct. 69 3 Oct. 74
7 July 75
13 ... Hon . Walter John Stewart
John Frederic Hornby
... Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
... Edmund Morton Mansel - Pleydell
... Charles Edward Beck ........
... Mervyn Henry Archdale
... Henry Ashton Casel
... George Henry Dean
... Philip Paston Mack
... William Colquhoun
... Thomas Alexander Hill
... Hon . George William Henry Vernon .
... Robert Curzon Newton
... Sidney George Crosse ..
... Harry Seymour Richardson .
... John Henry Learmonth ..
... Arthur Gillespic Churchill
... Thomas James Atherton
Robert Arthur Crawfard Christie
Antonio Stephen Ralli ........
P14 Oct.
P30 Jan.
P2 Jan.
8 June 70 P25 Mar. 71 31 Aug. 78
3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78 )
14 Aug. 72
5 June 80
71 28 Oct. 72
10 Nov. 80
28 Oct.
23 July
17 Apr. 80
II Aug. 8o
11 Aug. 8o
23 Oct.
11 Aug. So
26 Mar. 75
26 Mar.
15 Sept. 77
12 Feb. 79
4 Dec. 78 10 Nov. 8o
7 May 68
3 Aug. 70 P31 Oct.
... Quarter Master . - Westropp M Mabon Weir , 17 April 80 .
Veterinary Surgeon . - Frederick Smith , 9 Dec. 76 .
30 Dec. 72
9 Aug. 73
12 Aug. 74
Paymaster . - Alexander Sidney G. Jauncey , 1 Feb. 68 ; Honorary Captain , 1 Feb. 73 .
... Riding Master . - Henry Robertson , 17 Jan. 72 .
Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co. Embarked for India , 29 December 1876 .
1 Lieut.General Pearson served in the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore , in 1925-26 , and was a volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party ( Medal ) . Served with the 16th Lancers at the battle of Maharajpore , 29th Dec. 1843 ( Bronze Star ) . Also with the róth Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 . including the action of Buddiwal , and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon - at Aliwal he commanded the Right Wing of the 16th Lancers , and commanded the Regiment in the latter part of the action ; commanded the Regiment at Sobraon and to the end of the campaign ( twice mentioned in despatches , Medal and one Clasp , Brevet of Major , and CB . ) . 3 Lt. Colonel J. C. Russell served throughout the second phase of the Ashanti war in 1874 as Aide de Camp to Bir Archibald Alison , and was present at the battle of Amonful , the battle of Ordahsu and capture of Coomassie ( mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp ) .
Colchester .
] 12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers .
The Prince's Plume . The Rising Sun and Red Dragon . " EGYPT " ( with the Sphinx ) " PENINSULA " " WATERLOO " " SOUTH AFRICA , 1851-2-3 " " SEVASTOPOL " " CENTHAL INDIA . "
Years ' Ser . Full Half
Pay . Pay . Colonel . - Thomas Hooke Pearson , ¹ CB . Cornet , P14 Mar. 25 ; Lt. P1 Aug. 26 ; Capt . P16 Aug. 31 ; Bt . Major , 19 June 46 ; Major , F23 April 47 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel , 20 June 54 : Colonel , 26 Oct. 58 ; Major General , 6 Mar. 68 ; Lieut . General , : Oct 77 : General , 1 July 81 ; Colonel 12th Lancers , 4 Feb. 79 .
... Lieutenant Colonel - Frederick Meyer Wardrop , Cornet , P30 June 69 ; Lt. P10 Aug. 70 ; Capt . 1 May 78 ; Bt . Major , 18 Nov. 82 : Major , 18 Jan. 84 ; Bt . Lt. Colonel , 15 June 85 Lt. Colonel , 21 Dec. 87 .
2 Jan. 69P 3 Aug. 7031 Oct.
P 8 June 70 P25 Mar. 71 31 Aug. 78
3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78
14 Aug. 72
5 June 80
coucou aãã
... Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
... Edmund Morton Mansel - Pleydell
... Charles Edward Beck , Adj . Cavalry Depot
... Mervyn Henry Archdale .
... George Henry Dean .........
... William Colquhoun
.............. 5
15 Philip Montagu , Army Pay Department ....
... Thomas Alexander Hill , Adjutant Wor- ) cester Yeomanry Cavalry
Wm.John Rant ( Riding Master 28 April 75 )
Arthur Gillespic Churchill , Adj . 1 May 87
... Thomas James Atherton
Robert Arthur Crawfurd Christie .
Harry Seymour Richardson ................. 23 July 79 10 Nov.
... Antonio Stephen Ralli ......... ... Robert George Broadwood . ... John Massy - Westropp ......
... William Frederick Honywood Hinde
... James H.Ensor , Adjutant Bangalore Rifle
Volunteers .
... John Charles Basil Eastwood
... John Maxwell Gordon .............
... Wyndham George Rennie
... William Riddell Birdwood
... Frederick Thomas Middleton SECOND LIEUTENANTS .
... John Owens Johnson ...... ... William Buller Chapell Hodge .
11 Aug. 80
23 Jan. 81
30 Deo . 72 10 Feb. 81
12 Aug. 74 30 Nov. 81
26 Mar. 75 30 Nov. 8r
12 Nov. 73 12 Sept. 83
19 Dec. 83
81 1 May 86
11 Aug. So
1 July
11 Aug. 8o 1 July 81
23 Oct. 80
5 Feb. 87
21 May 87
24 Jan. 80 4 Oct.
2 Feb. 87
1 July 81 24 Apr. 87
1 July 81
1 July 81
28 Jan. 82 2 Aug. 82 ]
28 Feb. 83 25 Aug. 83
14 May 84
23 Aug. 84
9 May 85
30 Jan. 86
... Riding Master . - Frank Shearme , 8 June 81 ; Ion , Lieut .
Quarter Master . - Westropp M'Mahon Weir , 17 April 80 ; Hon . Lieut .
Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co. Returned from India , 24 November 1887 .
1 July 8
30 Nov. 81
30 Nov. 85
30 Nov. 85
1 General Pearson served in the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore , in 1825-26 , and was a volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party ( Medal ) . Served with the 16th Lancers at the battle of Maharajpore , 29th Dec. 1843 ( Bronze Star ) . Also with the 16th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 , including the action of Buddiwal , and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon - at Aliwal he commanded the Right Wing of the 16th Lancers , and commanded the Regiment in the latter part of the action ; commanded the Regiment at Sobraon and to the end of the campaign ( twice mentioned in despatches , Medal and one Clasp , Brevet of Major , and CB . ) .
Lt. Colonel Wardrop served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley , and was present at the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , Kassasin ( oth Sept. ) , and in the battle of Tel - el - Kebir ( mentioned ) in despatches , Brovet of Major , Medal with Clasp , 4th Class of the Medjidie , and Khedive's Star ) . Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General with the Desert Column , and was present at the action of Abu Klea , in the reconnaissance to Metammeh , and in the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the 16th and 17th February ( several times mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Lt. Colonel , two Clasps ) . Captain Montagu served with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882 , and was present in the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , and Mahsama , and in the action at Kassasin on the 28th August slightly wounded ( Medal , and Khedive's Star ) .
Captain Rant served in the Boer war of 1881 .
Lieut . Ensor served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 3th Hussars ( Medal ) .
Continuation of Notes to the 10th ( The Prince of Wales ' Own Royal ) Hussars . 16 Major Wilson served in the Ashanti campaign in 1873 as Midshipman on board H.M.S. Rattlernake , and received a slight gunshot wound on the 14th August ( Medal ) . Served with the 10th Hussars in the Afghan war of 1878-80 , and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Masjid , in the engagement at Futtehabad , and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 as Transport Officer Cabul Field Force , including the investment of Sherpore ( mentioned in despatches ) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar , and was present at the battle of Candahar ( mentioned in despatches , Medal with three Clasps , and Bronze Decoration ) . Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the roth Hussars , and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) . Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 attached to the Cavalry Brigade ( Brevet of Major , Clasp ) .
17 Captain Greenwood served with the roth Hussars in the Afghan war in 1878-79 , and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid ( Medal with Clasp ) . Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1384 with the toth Hussars , and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temaí ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) . [ See also Civil Decorations for Gallantry , p . 128. ]
19 Liouts . Harvey , Hon . A. Lawley , Hughes - Onslow , and Hon . J. H. G. Byng served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 10th Hussars , and were present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) .
20 Captain Hon . H. T. Allsopp served with the roth Hussars in the Afghan war of 1878-80 , and was present at the attack and capture of All Musjid , and in the engagement at Futtehabad as Orderly Officer to Brigadier General C. Gough ( Medal with Clasp ) . Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the 10th Hussars , and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temni ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) .
27 Lieut . Poole served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the roth Hussars ( Medal , and Khedive's Star ) .
Manchester . ]
12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers .
Years'Ser .
The Prince's Plume . The Rising Sun and Red Dragon . " EGYPT " ( with the Sphins ) " PENINSULA " " WATERLOO " " SOUTH AFRICA , 1851-2-3 " " SEVASTOPOL " CENTRAL INDIA . " Pay . Pay Colonel . - Thomas Hooke Pearson , CB . Cornet , 14 Mar. 25 ; Lt. P1 Aug. 26 ; Cupt . P16 Aug. 31 ; Bt . Major , 19 June 46 ; Major , Pa3 April 47 ; Bt . Lt. Colonel , 20 June 54 ; Colonel , 26 Oct. 58 ; Major General , 6 Mar. 68 ; Lieut . Geseral , Oct. 77 ; General , 1 July 81 ; Colonel 12th Lancers , 4 Feb. 79 .
... Lieutenant Colonel - Frederick Meyer Wardrop , Coract , P30 June 69 ; Lt. 10 Aug. 70 ; Capt . 1 May 78 ; Bt . Major , 18 Nov. 82 ; Major , 18 Jan. 94 ; Bt . Lt. Colonel , 15 June 85 ; Lt. Colonel , 21 Dec. 87 ; Colonel ,
15 June 89 .
- ~ N ~ www * coco 568
... Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
... Charles Edward Beck .........
Mervyn Henry Archdale
... Thomas Alexander Hill , Adjutant Wor
cester Yeomaury Cavalry
Philip Montaga .....
... Arthur Gillespic Churchill , Adj . 1 May 87
... Thomas James Atherton
Antonio Stephen Ralli .
p . e . Robert George Broadwood
... William Frederick Honywood Hinde ,
Adjutant Weat Keat Yeomanry Cavalry S
... James H. Ensor , Adjutant Bangalore Rifle
Volunteers ...
... John Charles Basil Eastwood
... John Maxwell Gordon ..........
Francis Egerton - Green
... John Owens Johnson ...
... Wiliam Buller Chapell Hodge ..
... Henry John Heylyn Platt
... Henry Granville Heneage .
... Eustace Loder ...
... Howard Clifton Brown ......
... Eustace Crawley
... Frank Wormald ..
... Cecil Vivian Sloane Stanley .
... Benjamin Herbert Piercy .
2 Jan. 69 3 Aug. 7031 Oct.
11 Aug. 8o
11 Aug. 80
11 Aug. 80
22 Jan. 81 1 July
3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78
14 Aug. 72
5 June & o
7 Aug. 89
20 Nov. 89
26 Mar. 75 30 Nov. 81
12 Nov. 73 12 Sept. 83
1 July 81
1 May 86
1 July 81 2 Feb. 87
1 July
1 Jan. 88
81 15 Feb. 88
2 Aug. 8a 15 Aug. 88
5 July 84
5 Feb.
87 18 July 88
21 May 87 18 July 88
31 May 90
Dec. go
11 Feb. 83 18 Sept. 89
16 May 88 18 Sept. 89
8 Dec. 88
8 June 89 )
28 Feb.
30 Nov. 23
25 Aug. 83 10 June So 14 May 84 17 Sept. go
3 Sept. 90
3 Sept. go
Riding Master . - Frank Shearme , 8 June 81 ; Ion , Lieat .
Quarter Master . - Westropp M'Mahon Weir , 17 April 80 ; Hon , Captain , 17 April 90 . Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co. Returned from India , 24 November 1887 .
1 July 8
30 Nov. 85 .
30 Nov. 85
1 General Pearson served in the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore , in 1825-26 , and was a volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party ( Medal ) . Served with the 16th Lancers at the battle of Maharajpore , 29th Dec. 1843 ( Bronze Star ) . Also with the 16th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 , including the action of Buddiwal , and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon - at Aliwal he commanded the Right Wing of the 16th Lancers , and commanded the Regiment in the latter part of the action ; commanded the Regiment at Sobraon and to the end of the campaign ( twice mentioned in despatches , Medal and one Clasp , Brevet of Major , and CB . ) . Colonel Wardrop served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley , and was present at the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , Kassasin ( 9th Sept. ) , and in the battle of Tel - el - Kebir ( mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp , 4th Class of the Medjidie , and Khedive's Star ) . Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General with the Desert Column , and was present at the action of Abu Klea , in the reconnaissance to Metammeh , and in the engagement at Abu Klea Wells on the 16th and 17th February ( several times mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Lt.Colonel , two Claspa ) . Captain Montagu served with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882 , and was present in the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , and Mahsama , and in the action at Kassasin on the 28th August slightly wounded ( Medal , and Khedivo's Star ) . Captain Ensor served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 8th Hussars ( Medal ) .
Continuation of Notes to the 10th ( The Prince of Wales ' Own Royal ) Hussars .
18 Major Wilson served in the Ashanti campaign in 1873 as Midshipman on board H.M.S. Rattlernake , and
received a slight gunshot wound on the 14th August ( Medal ) . Served with the roth Hussars in the Afghau war of 1878-80 , and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Masjid , in the engagement at Futtebabad , and in the operations around Cabul in December 1879 as Transport Officer Cabul Field Force , including the investment of Sherpore ( mentioned in despatches ) ; accompanied Sir Frederick Roberts in the march to Candahar , and was present at the battle of Candahar ( mentioned in despatches , Medal with three Clasps , and Bronze Decoration ) . Served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the roth Hussars , and was present in the engagements at El Teb and Temni ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) . Served in the Soudan campaign in 1885 attached to the Cavalry Brigade ( Brevet of Major , Clasp ) .
19 Captains Harvey , Hon . A. Lawley , Hughes - Onslow , and Hon . J. H. G. Byng served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the oth Hussars , and were present in the engagements at El Teb and Temai ( Medal with Clasp , and Khedive's Star ) . 27 Lieut . Poole served in the Soudan Expedition in 1884 with the roth Hussars ( Medal , and Khedive's Star ) .
Manchester .
12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Roual ) LancersNTHAL INDIA . " Pay . Pay , one - inomas Hooke Pearson , CB . Cornet , 14 Mar. 25 ; Lt. P1 Aug. 26 ; Capt . 16 Aug. 31 ; Bt . Major , 19 June 46 ; Major , Pa3 April 47 ; Bt.Lt. Colonel , 20 June 54 ; Colonel , a6 Oct. 58 ; Major General , 6 Mar. 68 ; Lieut . General , 1 Oct. 77 ; General , 1 July 81 ; Colonel rath Lancers , 4 Feb. 79 . ... Lieutenant Colonel - Frederick Meyer Wardrop , CB . Cornet , " 30 June 69 ; Lt. Pio Aug. 70 ; Capt . 1 May 78 ; Bt.Major , 18 Nov. 8a ; Major , 18 Jan. 8 ; lit.Lt.Colonel , 15 June 85 ; Lt. Colonel , 21 Dec. 87 ; Colonel , 15 June 89 .
88 E tJJ - . .. ܗ ܟ ܟ ܫ ܥ ܢܚ ܢܚܪ ܢܚܟ
Gabriel Roland Ruscombe Poole
... Charles Edward Beck ..........
... Mervyn Henry Archdale
... Thomas Alexander Hill ... Philip Montagu ... Arthur Gillespie Churchill , Staff College ..
... Thomas James Atherton
Antonio Stephen Ralli ...
p.s.c. Robert George Broadwood .
William Frederick Honywood
Hinde ,
Adj . West Kent Yeomanry 10 June 89 ... 3 James H. Ensor
... John Charles Basil Eastwood , Adjutant ) 1 May 91 ... John Maxwell Gordon ...
Francis Egerton - Green ...
John Owens Johnson .
... William Buller Chapell Hodge .
... Henry Granville Heneage
... Eustace Loder ..
... Howard Clifton Brown
... Eustace Crawley
... Frank Wormald .
... Cecil Vivian Sloane Stanley , ... Benjamin Herbert Piercy . ... Miles Halton Tristram .....
2 Jan. 69 3 Aug. 7031 Oct.
in Aur . Bo
11 Aug. 80
Is Aur . Bo
22 Jan. 81
3 Aug. 72 12 Nov. 78
14 Aug. 72 5 June Bo
26 Mar. 75 30 Nov. B1
12 Nov. 23 12 Sept. 83
1 July 81
1 May 86
1 July 81
a Feb. 87
July 81
1 Jan. 88
July 81
15 Feb. 38 )
2 Aug. 82 15 Aug. 88 28 Feb. 83 30 Nov. 33 25 Aug. 83 10 June So 14 May 84 17 Sept. 90 5 July 84
5 Feb. 87 18 July 83
21 May 87 18 July 88
16 May 88 18 Sept. 89
8 Dec. 88
31 May 90
3 Dec. 9o
4 Mar. 91
3 Sept.go
8 June So
3 Sept. 9o
7 Aug. 89
7 Jan. 91
20 Nov. 89 25 Mar. 91
... Riding Master . - Frank Shearme , 8 June 81 ; Hon . Captain , 8 Jane gr .
12 Quarter Master . - Westropp M'Mahon Weir , 17 April 8o ; Hon , Captain , 17 April go . Blue - Facings Scarlet . - Agents , Messrs . Cox and Co.
Returned from India , 24 November 1887 .
1 General Pearson served in the 11th Light Dragoons at the siege and capture of Bhurtpore , in 1825-26 , and was a volunteer for the dismounted Cavalry storming party ( Medal ) . battle of Maharajpore , a9th Dec. 1843 ( Bronze Star ) . Also with the 16th Lancers in the Sutlej campaign in 1846 , Served with the 16th Lancers at the including the action of Buddiwal , and battles of Aliwal and Sobraon - at Aliwal he commanded the Right Wing of the 16th Lancers , and commanded the Regiment in the latter part of the action ; commanded the Regiment at Sobraon and to the end of the campaign ( twice mentioned in despatches , Medal and one Clasp , Brevet of Major , and CB . ) . Colonel Wardrop served in the Egyptian war of 1882 as Aide de Camp to Sir Garnet Wolseley , and was present at the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , Kassasin ( oth Sept. ) , and in the battle of Tel - el - Kebir ( mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Major , Medal with Clasp , 4th Class of the Mediidie , and Khedive's Star ) . Served with the Nile Expedition in 1884-85 as Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quarter Master General with the Desert Column , and was present at the action of Abu Klea , in the reconnaissance to Metammeh , and in the engagement at Abu Klen Wells on the 16th and 17th February ( several times mentioned in despatches , Brevet of Lt. Colonel , two Clasps ) . Captain Montagu served with the 7th Dragoon Guards in the Egyptian war of 1882 , and was present in the engagements of El Magfar , Tel - el - Mahuta , and Mahsama , and in the action at Kassasin on the 28th August slightly wounded ( Medal , and Khedive's Star ) . Captain Ensor served in the Afghan war in 1879-80 with the 8th Hussars ( Medal ) .
1848 .
To India , 1857 .
1855 ( marching through Egypt ) . To England , 1856 . Ireland , 1865. To England , 1870. To India , 1877. To England , 1887 .
1 July 8t
30 Nov. 85
30 Nov. 85
To the Mediterranean ,
Record of the Services of the 12th ( The Prince of Wales ' Royal ) Lancers . Raised in 1715 as the 12th Dragoons . To Ireland , 1718 , remaining there 75 years . In 1768 desig nated " The Prince of Wales's Regiment , " and constituted " Light Dragoons . ) 1793 ( capture of Corsica ) . To Italy , 1794. To England , 1795. To Portugal , 1797 . ( investment of Cairo ) . To England , 1802. To Ireland , 1803. , To To England , 1810. To Portugal , 1811 ; through the Peninsular embarking at Calais for England , 1814. To Ostend 1815 ( at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo ,
To Egypt , 1801
England , 1805 .
To Holland , 1809 .
War and marched through France ,
and in the Army of Occupation in France ) . Converted into " Lancers , " 1816. To England , 1818 . Ireland , 1820 .
To England , 1824. To Portugal , 1827. To England , 1828. To Scotland , 1 °
Ireland , 1830 .
To England , 1833. To Ireland , 1841. To Scotland and England , 1847
To Indis
Returned to England and embarked for South Africa , 1851 .