Back to Album of 243 photos including documents and press cuttings concerning the 12th Lancers c1928-1951 Photographs

Item 0023

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Accession number 912L : 2090/31
Transcription CREE
A photograph of a very picturesque occasion - the 12th Royal Lancers dance in the Sergeants
Mess in celebration of Moy Day . H.E. the Acting High Commissioner ( the guest of honour ) and Lt. - Col . J.W. Hornby , M.C. , are among those who will be recognised in the picture .
Captain and Mrs. Strang leaving St. Mary's Pro - Cathedral under an arch provided by sergeants of the 12th Royal Lancers , after their wedding on Saturday last , and ( below ) the bride's health being drunk at the reception held afterwards in the garden of the 12th Lancers ' officers ' mess .
April 29t 1935
The marriage of MR . KENNETH EDWARD SAVILL , 12th Royal Lancers , son of Mr. W. H. Savill , of Upton Grey , Basingstoke , and of Mrs. A. G. B. Wilson , to MISS JACQUELINE HUGHES , daughter of Lieut. Col. J. Salusbury Hughes , Grenadier Guards , and of Mrs. Salusbury Hughes , took place at St. Margaret's , Westminster .