Back to Album formerly belonging to Captain Robert Stewart Cleland (served in 9L 1860-1880) Photographs

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Accession number 912L : 2124/1
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The War Office authorities have indeed made a happy selection in choosing Colonel Baker , late
CANNOCK CHASE . 25 Aug.1873 RUGELEY , SATURDAY . Morning Bost We left camp shortly after eleven in two divi sions , the object being to cover all roads which led from Burntwood towards the camp .
10th Hussars , and Captain Clayton , 9th Lancers , to accompany the Khiva expedition .
Baker's intrepidity and dash are already well known ; while his companion , though somewhat
at the
NOTES OF THE DAY . Globe -22 Aug 1892 SOME of our cavalry regiments , not content with the vent for their energies discovered in the game of hockey on horseback , have been taking , it appears , with great success to the circus business , and have over Stileson Hill , on the top of which we planted young in years , has an extensive experience , performed with distinguished applause at Woolwich . a half battery of the now celebrated Cheshunt having served in the Marines , Infantry , and All the equipments and appointments of the ring battery , we pushed forward through the estate Cavalry , in each of which branches he has dis were , we learn , so complete that professional eques- of Lord Anglesea to Beaudesert , and soon found played great professional capacity . Colonel trians expressed both their astonishment and ourselves little village of Gentle- Baker has always shone in the way he has admiration at the feats of their amateur imi- shaw , where our vedettes were posted in force , handled his cavalry , but never more so than in tators . If this dignified cavalry amusement becomes Major Hardy , of the 9th Lancers , having three the late Autumn Manoeuvres . Can those who witnessed it easily forget how Baker's Uhlans , popular in the service we shall have the sawdust squadrons in rear secreted under cover of the thick acrobats appealing to us for protection against the woods which skirt the spacious domain of the noble interference of rivals in their trade subsidised by the marquis . He also threw out vedettes to the left in Crown . In one of Lever's novels the author describes the direction of New Hays , in order to watch any an Irishman , named Dodd , as putting a bullet attempt to turn our flank and slip into camp by way before breakfast into the leg of a French lieu- of the main road which runs from Lichfield to tenant because the latter denied his version of Stafford . From Gentleshaw we obtained a good the battle of Waterloo - Napoleon riding precipi- view of the Heavy Brigade drawn up in a field tately three times round the field pursued hotly by called Red Hill , from which they could easily the Duke of Wellington , before whom he ultimately have been dislodged by a few rounds from a fell on his knees . It turned out that this illustra Our batteries were , couple of guns . however , tion of the great contest was the result of a visit to the right and rear ; but had they been well to a circus , nd perhaps our cavalry iments should not have been permitted to may be anxious to convey notions of history and up we fire , as until one o'clock operations we consider that amongst the Tartan hordes strategy to Mr. Vernon Harcourt and the public in open commence . In the village of of Central Asia their safety - nay , even their the same fashion by which Mr. James Dodd acquired were not to Gentleshaw stands a little public - house , called the lives - may depend on the fleetness and mettle of his knowledge of the battle of Waterloo . their steeds . Court Journal 26 APRIL 1873 Windmill , just at a point where two roads meet . The right - hand road stretches away over an open country towards Longton , while the left - hand Shortly Windmill
hovering about the banks of the Wiley , so dis comfited the Northern Army , that they were compelled to pitch their camp at ten in the morn ing , and go to bed in disgust ? Nor must we forget how Clayton , two days after , determining to outdo his then professional rival , showed that cool daring and self - possession so natural to him by creeping panther - like into Baker's very ranks ( accompanied by a single trumpeter ) , and would doubtless have wiped out the disgrace of the first day , but for the opportune arrival of a brigade of infantry . We understand also that these two officers have taken with them their two favourite and well - tried Arab chargers - a wise step when
lane runs direct towards Red Hill . our vedettes the after one found a couple of Life Guards advancing slowly up the lane , and , opening a fire at them , drove the back again at the gallop . But the advance of the enemy's vedettes was succeeded by a troop , and at them our brave Lancers went , and by sheer pluck
18 AUGUST 1873 MORNING POST CANNOCK CHASE , SATURDAY . During the past week Major - General Lysons , C.B. , has been busily engaged in receiving regi ment after regiment as they arrived upon the ground . The cavalry which have yet arrived are the 7th Dragoons , under Colonel Peyton , who marched from Manchester , the 9th Lancers , Major Hardy , who also marched from York , and three squadrons of the 12th Lancers from Leeds . The 2d Life Guards , from Windsor , are not ex pected until Monday . The cavalry horses appear none the worse for their trip ; indeed it would be difficult to find anywhere a better set of troop They came on with a bold front , horses and troopers than those which Colonel Pey Saturday last in H.M.S. Euphrates for Bombay , en route to but Captain Cleland , of the 9th , formed up his ton commands . As to the 9th Lancers , which came The officers who proceeded out besides Col. squadron , and , charging them in line , drove them into camp yesterday , looking as fresh as they did Marshall were Major Hardy ; Capts . Clayton , Grissell , Bush - heavies back again . A pluckier or more dashing on the day they left the grassy slopes of man , Abadie , and the Hon . H. Legge ; Lieuts . Macken zie , Lord W. Beresford , Percy ( adjt . ) , Fife , Butson , Gough , affair than this it has seldom been my good fortune Knavesmire , there is plenty of evidence to show Shearburn , and the Hon . C. G. Lascelles ; Sub - Lieuts . the to witness . The light bobs had the advantage that they deserved the compliment General Hon . E. Vesey and Evans ; Rdgmr . Crowdy ; Qrmr . Fuller ; of ground and position , but the weight of the Blumenthal bestowed upon them in 1871 , when Surg . - Major Lewer ; Surg . G. S. Langridge ; and Vet . - Surg . Guards ought to have given them the victory . he declared that they were the best light cavalry Adams . Capt . Green is exchanging to the 5th Lancers ,
drove them helter - skelter down the road again . While this little skirmishing was going on the enemy was massing his troops on the right and gradually working round our flank . In order to cover this movement a squadron of Guards was sent to attack our position on Little shaw Hill ,
9TH LANCERS . The head - quarters and service troops under command of Lieut . - Col . Marshall sailed from Portsmouth on
Sealkote .
though he took his troop on board the Euphrates . Lieut . Nevertheless the descendants of the men who regiment in the world .
Chisholme is granted six months ' leave for the recovery of immortalised themselves at Waterloo fell back
his health . Surg . Malcolm , M.D. , is retiring upon half pay . A large number of old Lancers assembled at Portsmouth to bid on their supports , who , advancing in force , com " God speed " to their former comrades and friends . The dinner pelled Captain Cleland to withdraw his men ; the other night is said to have been " enough to gladden the the enemy at this time having got a heart even of the soldiers of the old days , when a regiment battery into position , which had he waited
the had
was looked upon almost as a home . " embarked , Col. Marshall , in the name of the officers , pre- would have played sad havoc among his men . On sented the late commanding officer , Col. Fiennes , with a Captain Cleland retreating the Guards cautiously valuable silver centre piece , representing a mounted Lancer .
Col. Marshall spoke as to Col. Fiennes ' great popularity , and the Col. replied thanking the subscribers , and wishing them every prosperity in the East . Army Navy Gazette 1975
advanced through the village towards Major Hardy's vedettes stationed in rear of Beaudesert . These were hastily withdrawn , as if the enemy had threatened our left flank they must inevitably have been cut off . The attack of the nards , however , was , after all , but a feint , for though they gained the entry to Beaudesert and penetrated the park for some distance , they never really Le touriste en question a toujours sur luf menaced our left . Presently a body of horse une boîte pleine de bonbons purgatifs quilopè - showed themselves on the Castle Hill , and at once rent au bout de six heures .
Avis aux voyageurs . Voici un moyen bien simple de s'éveiller à l'heure que l'on désire ; il a été trouvé par un touriste an glais , qui l'a communiqué à l'un de nos re porters :
well .
En se couchant , il en offre un au garçon d'hôtel , qui l'accepte avec reconnaissance . Six heures après , un bruit de pas précipités dans les couloirs réveille le voyageur .
Comme cela , jamais on ne manque le train .
our battery on the Upper Cliff opened upon them . They threatened an advance from this direc tion , but Colonel Fiennes knew very that , however daring his opponents , it impossible for them to cross the bog which lay between him and the hill . Gradually our right was extended , but yet little was seen of the enemy . Every now and then a squadron pounced down upon them , but it was difficult to say where they were unless massing among the trees of Beau
THE following story is too good not to be true . Two soldiers recently had a fight . An inquiry was held into the matter , and an attempt was made to ascertain who struck the first blow . One of the combatants admitted that he had hit the other man first , but he declared that he did so under great provocation . On being asked what the provo cation was , he alleged that he had been called by an opprobrious name . Pressed to state what that name was , he replied " Cardwell . " So much for the popu larity of the Secretary of State for War among the rank and file of the army , who do not seem to regard him with a greater amount of affection than is felt for him by officers .
Globe 21 MAY 1873
DEPARTURE OF THE 9TH LANCERS FROM YORK. This fine regiment , which has now been in York for the last two years , is under orders to march for Col
chester , and for that place the first squadron left York Barracks at eight o'clock yesterday ( Friday ) morning . Its route will be Selby . Another squadron will leave to - day ( Saturday ) , taking a different route , and on succeeding days in the coming week there will be further squadron departures until the whole regiment is on the mareh . This sudden change will be heard with regret amongst all classes of the citizens , amongst whom the 9th have become won derfully popular , both for the true military spirit which has pervaded all ranks , for the courteous bear ing of the officers , and likewise for the spirit which the latter have displayed both in their love for , and the practice of , sport , and the magnificence of hospitality which they have extended towards those in their own station of life . Yorkshire Post 27 " 1974
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( Dedicated to the Educational Board . ) OBSERVE yon plumèd biped fine ! To effect his captivation , Deposit particles saline Upon his termination . Cryptogamous concretion never grows On mineral fragments that decline repose . Whilst self - inspection it neglects , Nor its own foul condition sees , The kettle to the pot objects Its sordid superficies . Decortications of the golden grain Are set to allure the agèd fowl , in vain . Teach not a parent's mother to extract The embryo juices of an egg by suction ; That good old lady can the feat enact Quite irrespective of your kind instruction . Pecuniary agencies have force To stimulate to speed the female horse . The earliest winged songster soonest sees , And first appropriates , the annelides .
With soap , and brush , and flannel , you tickle In vain , the Ethiopic cuticle .
Bear not to yon famed city upon Tyne The carbonaceous product of the mine .
The mendicant once from his indigence freed , And mounted aloft on the generous steed , Down the precipice soon will infallibly go , And conclude his career in the regions below . It is permitted to the feline race To contemplate even a regal face .
9TH LANCERS . It has been definitively arranged in India that the regiment shall be stationed at Sealkote on its arrival . Lieut . - Col . Marshall and Major Hardy are on leave 48 of absence . Capt . Cleland , who is now in temporary com mand of the regiment at Colchester , will remain in England Seue in command of the depôt . Lieut . and Adjt . Percy will not re main at home as has been stated , but will embark with head - quarters . Army - Navy Gazette 17 Oct 1874
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