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Accession number 912L : 2124/6
Transcription FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 ,
The Town Hall at Ipswich was the scene , on Thursday evening , of a large and brilliant gathering of friends and followers of the Suffolk Hunt . One of the indirect results attendant upon Major Colvin's assumption of the Mastership , which has in other respects proved so eminently satisfactory , was А revival of the Hunt Ball under the gracious personal auspices of ' Miss Colvin . The first event of the kind was held at Colchester last year , with conspicuous success , and a return engagement for the Suffolk side of the country was the natural and pleasurable sequel . The idea has been long talked of , and was warmly taken up ; an influential list of stewards , comprising between sixty and seventy leading residents of the district , gave their social patronage and support ; and the necessary arrangements were made under the super vision of Miss Colvin , Mrs. Watson , and Mrs. C. H. Berners , of Woolverstone Park . Both the outgoing and the present Mayors of Ipswich ( Mr. R. D. Fraser and Mr. S. R. Anness ) gave a ready con sent to the use , for such a purpose , of the hand some municipal buildings at Ipswich , and valuable assistance was lent in various ways by the Town Clerk ( Mr. Will Bantoft ) .
The decoration of the Hall was placed in the capable hands of Messrs . Jas . Harrison and Son , and Mr.Geo.Gilbert , The Floral Nurseries , St. Margaret's . All that can be done to relieve the cold stateliness of the interior has been done many times before by the same masters of their business , and it need hardly be said
that their best efforts were put forth on this occasion . The lower vestibule was carpeted , and every corner was filled with groups of magnificent flowering and foliage plants . Art muslin and tapestry , with masses of feathery pampas grass , covered the banis ters and rails of the staircase , and on the wall at the head of the landing there was a splendid trophy of the chase , made up of masks and brushes of foxes , with horn in centre , which were reported by an inscription below to have been killed in Langleys Park . The corridor was beautifully furnished , and laid with pile carpets ; around the Council Chamber , which was of course reserved for dancing , were mirrors , banks of flowers , and further specimens from a foxhunter's memorials ; and the dais at the end of the ball was provided with settees and lounges upholstered in green and gold . The supper tables were set in the library , and in this department Mr. James Hardwick , of the Queen Street Restaurant , had also done his best , with results that must have given the utmost satisfaction . The menu for the " souper du bal " comprised a great variety of dainty dishes , the tables being set off with the traditional boar's head , game pies enclosed in pheasants ' plumage , and other " high - art " efforts in cookery , which had the prettiest possible effect amidst the glass and silver .
1893 .
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown , Captain G. Austin , Mr. O'Connor and Officers of the Royal Artillery , Miss Valliamy , Major and Mrs. Callinor , Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aymé - Aymard , Mr. F. W. Dudding , Mr. Guy Bantoft , Mr. Heigham , Mr. Birch , Capt . Clare Deane , Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wells , the Misses Hill and Mrs. Wollastu Groome , Captain and Mrs. Spooner , Major and Mrs. R. Philips , Mr. Jervis , Mr. John Josselyn , jun . , Mrs. and Miss Fielding , Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Gore and party , Mr. J. Legge - Currie , Mr. C. G. Moon , Mr. B. H. Barton , Mr. P. Whitaker , Mr. Claud Paget , Captain Jones , Mr. Stammers , Capt . and Mrs. Alexander , Mr. E. M. Lafont , Lieut . Egerton , R.N. , Mr. Greathead , Major Cunliffe , Mr. O. K. Norman , Mies Starkie Bence , Miss Gurney Hoare , Mrs. Gurney Hoare , and Mr. R. Pryor , Mrs. Morse , Miss Mor Miss E. Morse , Miss R. D. Morse , and Mr. A. F. Morse , Captain Stotherd , Mr. Charles Cheston , Mr. C. F. Cheston , Mr. C. T Packard , and Miss C. Packard , and Miss Lear .
Dancing commenced shortly after nine o'clock , to the strains of the Royal Artillery Band , and the programme was as follows :
1 VALSE ............... Dorothy 2 VALSE
11 VALSE ....
14 POLKA ....
15 VALSE .
20 LANCERS ......
21 VALSE ....
La Gitana Tendresse
Arry and ' Arriet
.See me dance
La Serenata
Blue Danube
Darkie's Dream Cloisters
Who's that a - calling ? Supper Dances . Espagnolita
In Old Madrid
Donan Welten
Drink , Puppy , Drink !
Knights of St. Patrick
... Santiago
Amour de Printemps
Barn Dance
22 VALSE .
Post Horn Galop
Many gentlemen wore the scarlet coats of hunting costumes ; the ladies were , of course , arrayed in fashionable costume , and a view of the ballroom afforded one of the most brilliant spectacles ever witnessed in the Ipswich Town Hall .
The programme ( bearing on the first page a humorous hunting scene ) and the menu card were of Ipswich ,
heantifully nrinted by M
FEBRUARY 3 , 1894. ayes ) who
Clarke , of
By kind permission of Lieutenant - Colonel Stewart M'Kenzie , a very interesting enter tainment was given by the 9th Queen's Royal Lancers Christy Minstrels , in the RHA riding school , Newbridge Barracks , on Monday night last . The audience was large , amongst those present being - Lieutenant - Colonel Stewart M'Kenzie , and with a couple of exceptions , most of the officers of the 9th Lancers , Capt Day , A VD ; Mrs Day , Captain and Mrs Colville , Major Blacker , Mr Kennedy , Mr Tremayne , Surgeon - Major O'Connell , Major Hewitt , RH A ; Captain Euthoven , RHA ; Lieutenant Wellsley , RH A ; Lieutenant Dick , R H A ; & c . , & c . Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather a large number of the civilians of the district and town availed themselves of the opportunity of seeing what might be termed , without fear of contradic tion , the best regimental amateur performance given in Newbridge Barracks within the last ten years . Thanks to the untiring exertions of the president , Captain F F Colvin , Mr HFW Stanley and Mr W Schroder . The programme and arrangements were faultless . Punctual to time the curtain raised at 8 o'clock , manifesting the troupe in a horse - shoe circle on the stage . In the centre sat the interlocutor , Corporal Wilson , who proved himself a very efficient dramatis persona of Mr Johnston . On either side were a number of small darkies in white , who were arranged like steps of stairs , terminating the circle with the full - sized niggers , the most promi nent of whom were the corner men , viz Sergts Kemple , Walker , and Proughton , and Corporal Knight , who were attired in similar
costume to that of the interlocutor .
At the
The guests began to arrive at nine o'clock . Scores of carriages were driven into the town about that hour , from all the country houses of the district , most of the hotels were full of visitors staying over night , and there was also a special train from Colchester , which was timed to return at half - past two o'clock in the morning . It is impossible to guarantee a correct list of the com pany , but the following was obtained with some difficulty at the entrance : The Hon . Misses Thellusson , Rendlesham Hall ; Lord Stradbroke and Lady Gwendoline Rous , Henham Hall ; a party from Woolverstone Park ; Hon . Louis Johnson and party ; Mr. J. D. and Lady Evelyn Cobbold and party , Holy Wells ; Mr. W. Cuthbert Quilter , M.P. , Mr. Arnold Quilter , and Miss Quilter , Bawdsey Manor Hon . Douglas Tollemache and party ( 9 ) , Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kerrison and Mr. Westmacott , Glevering Hall ; Sir Alfred and Lady Hughes , Miss Lucy and Miss Constance Hughes , East Bergholt ; Captain and Mr. Charles Skinner and Mies Edith Skinner , the Chantry ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Fraser , Miss Fraser , Miss Plyman , Miss Gregory , Misses Wallis ( 2 ) , Miss Cree , Capt . Paynter , Capt . Fliutoft , Mr. W. Austin , Mr. Jackson , Mr. Sedgwick , and Messrs . Hollebone ( 2 ) Mrs. Phillipps and party , Claydon ; Capt . and Mrs. W : H. Rodwell , Holbrook ; Mrs. A. M. Bernard , Mr. and the Misses Gore ; Major - General and Mrs.
W. N. Fonnereau , Colonel and Miss Haines , Colonel and Mrs. Lucas and Miss Hamilton , Colonel Lynes , R.A. , Mr. R. B. Colvin , Mrs. Watson , Captain F. Colvin , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Colvin , Miss Colvin , Miss E. Gorst , Mr. H. P. Danger , Mr. and Mrs. Hy Packard , Alexander Wells , Miss Barrington , Lieut . Leahy , Mr. and the Misses Fenn , Mr. and Mrs. Tidswell and party and Miss Dodds , Mr. Hudson , Mrs. Allanby and party , Major and Mrs. Mackenzie , Miss Wobley , Mr . and Mrs. Phillips , Col. Josselyn , Major , Mrs. and Mies Heigham , Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Waller , Bealings ; Mr. Chas . Fonnereau , the Misses Fonnereau , Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers , Mr. Ogilvie , Mr. Sydney Turner , Mrs. and Miss Martin ,
Pye - Philupps and party , Barham Hall ; Mr. rere sat the splendid band of the corps , under the directorship of Band - Sergeant Murdock , whose abilities were fully exemplified by the special charm with which his music invested the singing , and the various intonations of the full choruses throughout the first part . Vocal sentimental selections were sung by Sergts Walker , Kemple , Johnstone , Privates Heathcote , Ingram , and Trumpeter Marion , all of whom were loudly applauded . the comic department , Corporal Knight's " Don't forget dars a weddin ' to - night , " Sergeant Walker's " Nigger and the Bee , " Sergeant Kemple's " Climb up ye little
Mr. F. B. Henderson , Mr. and Mrs. W. T. chillun , " and Sergeant Proughton's " Molly Pretty , Mr. Will . Bentoft and Miss Hicks , Colonel Alderson , Mr. E. W. Snell , Mr. Parkinson , and I and the baby " got most enthusisastic Mr. and Mr. Marriott , Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock Wells applauding . The ballad " Twelve months and party , Captain and Mrs. Massey , Mr. G. F. ago " was admirably sung by by Mr Von Josselyn , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cobbold and party , Mrs. Schrouder , whose voice showed much sym Henry Marton and Miss Marten and Miss Cecil Nunn . pathetic quality . After a number of amusing puns of local origin had been given the finale
Play on the de ole banjo " by the full troupe brought the first part to a clcse amidst one outburst of applause .
FEBRUARY 3 , 1894 .
During the interval tne pana aiscoursed a splendid selection of music , after which Trumpeter Power gave the Cockney song " Nipper's Lullaby . " In his attempt to copy Albert Chevalier by his get up in coster drees , and his attitudes combined , he was fairly . successful . He was obliged to come on the boards twice in order to satisfy the de mand of the audience for an encore . Corporal Wilson gave the recitation Karl the martyr , " which was well received . This brought the performance to the last item which was a laughable farce adapted from the French entitled , " A good game spoiled . " The music was taken from the musical farce " In town , " and each song was a parody touching local topics which created much merriment . The scene was a " Lovers glade . " showing a pretty landscape of mountain and river at the rere of the meeting spot where the rivals of the young and rich widow come to fight the duel . The piece was a sprightly one all round . By far the most amusing pair in it were Mr Schroder as Mrs Ivy Cleaver , the widow before mentioned , and Capt F F Colvin as her daughter , Miss Vinolia . Their high skirt dancing caused quite an uproar in the parody " Dear mama . " The part of Sergeant Bol derock Pears " Brownstown life guards " taken by Sergeant Walker , was indeed an amusing one , he being attired in an artillery busby , and an infantry tunic and trousers made out of a Dundalk hired sack . His appearance . was the signal of continuous laughter . Sergt Kemple was his rival , as Mr Dasher Sunlight . Corporal Knight was the latter's brother , Mr Soapsud Hudson . Whilst waiting to second him in the duel , he joined in the " It may , but I very much doubt it , " which got a great reception . Sergeant Proughton , as Coal Tar , the faithful servant to the widow , took well as seconds to Pears . Trumpeter Marion , who was assigned the willing part of Mrs Sunlight , appeared with a baby just in time to prevent Mr Dasher Sunlight being a bigamist after the duel , hence the title - viz , " A Good Game Spoiled . "
The Lancers gave their second performance in the Curragh Gymnasium on Tuesday even ing , which was a popular success . The at tendance was large and fashionable , all the regiments in the Camp being represented , to gether with a number of the Newbridge gar rison . The programme was merely a repeti tion of Monday night , with the exception of Sergeant Kemple's singing the song " Dancer , Dancer , Mademoiselle " in the minstrels , in stead of " Climb up ye little chillun , " which was a most successful change . The troupe got an enthusiastic reception from commence ment to end , their various eccentricities creat ing quite an uproar . During the interlude the band , conducted by Sergeant Murdock , played the waltz " The Lover's Dream , " which was much admired . After the song of Trumpeter Power , and the recitation by Corporal Wilson , the Musical Farce came on , which was even better than the previous night , Captain Colvin and Mr Von Schroder again scoring in their respective parts .
Amongst those present were - Major General Kerr , Lord R D Kerr , CB ; Lady A Kerr , Col Wynne , A A G , and Mrs Wynne , Lieutenant - Colonel Edge , R I ; Lieutenant Colonel Stewart M'Kenzie , 9th Lancers ; Capt Flanagan , R I ; Lieutenant Arbuthnot R I ; Lieutenants Williams and Nicholson , RI ; Quarter - Master Rigger , R I ; Captain Folke , RE ; Lieutenant Brunner , RE ; Col Hope , DAAG , and Mrs Hope , Major Campbell , RE ; Captain Aitken , A D C ; Captain Walshe , Hants Regiment ; Lord C Bentinck , 9th Lancers ; Lieutenant Standen , AS C ; Captain Wynne , R I ; Miss Liddle , & c , & c .
9th Queen's Royal Lancers .
On Tuesday , 30th January , 1894 ,
A Performance
Reserved Seats , 2s . 6d .; Second , Is .; Third , 6d .
MAJOR - GENERAL LORD R. KERR , C.B. , Commanding the District .
a duel was lately fought Alexander in Shott & John S Nott - Nott was shot & Shott
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Christmas and the Cew
Ceait tourlle
Dunlee Telegraph
Drumcar , Dunleer , Ireland .