Back to Mobilisation of the Regiment at Norwich. Also obituaries and cuttings regarding 12Ls during first months of WWI. Photographs

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Accession number 912L : 2281
Transcription Sir John French also reports that on the 28th the 5th British Cavalry Brigade , under General Chetwode , fought a brilliant action with the German Cavalry , in the course of which the 12th Lancers and Royal Scots Greys routed the enemy , and speared large numbers in flight .
Then there was that brilliant fight put up by the 5th British Cavalry Brigade , commanded by General Chetwode , against the German Cavalry . The 12th Lancers and the Royal Scots Grey's particularly distinguished them selves , routing the Germans , thanks to prodigies of valour worthy of ancient history , and making a large number of prisoners after a brilliant pursuit .
These are but a few notable instances of what was done almost all along the battle front during these engagements . Dearly the Germans paid for their advance .
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Date August 20hi 1914 .
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Chalons - sur - Marne the Germans looted grocery stores and several private cellars .
The French troops captured north of Chalons a movable electric power station , comprising five motor vans .
Among the battle stories current in Paris is one to the effect that during a recent charge by the 12th Lancers and the Scots Greys on a body of German infantry the latter threw down their rifies and held up their hands . The British cavalry were carried by the impetus of the charge be yond the German lines , but they checked themselves as soon as possible , being care ful not to wound anyone . No sooner had they passed than the Germans picked up their rifles and fired at the backs of he British , who turned and hacked the treacherous enemy to pieces . Reuter Special
1914 .
Yet we may be pardoned ! if , for the moment , we dwell upon the brilliant achievements of our own men . The exploit of the Twelfth Lancers and the Scots Greys when they drove the German cavalry before them on Friday will never be forgotten .
Lieut . R. S. T. MOORE , 12th Lancers ( killed ) . Aged 24. Received commission September , 1909 . Son of Lieutenant - Colonel R. St. L. Moore , of Killashee , Co. Kildare .
A vivid story of the doings of the 12th Lancers in the neighbourhood of Mons has been related to a " Daily Express representative by Waterloo a wounded German prisoner at Station . A small body of lancers , not more than fifty strong , met a force of 200 German dragoons , and went through like a knife . The prisoner interviewed was one of the 200 , and " never again , " he says , " will I meet those lancers ! "
" Mein Gott , it is hell let loose when your English lancers charge , " he said , " and I will never face them again . Never again ! We were outside Mons in open country with a clump of hills before us , and it was as we neared them that a troop of howling , yelling devils with lances , but no jackets or hats , came racing round a hill and then straight for us like what you call a blood typhoon ! Never before have I seen anything like them in our army or in my sleep . Your artillery and your infantry , yes ; they are like ourselves , and we can fight them ; but these lancers , donnerwetter !
" We were four to one of them , but in a flash , paff , they were on us and through us . And there were not more than fifty ! Every one of them speared a man I got this in the shoulder and some of our horses went over . Before we could re - form or get ready they came dashing back , yelling like furies , and they were through us again . Ach ! it awful , horrible ; and then , by Gott , they turn about and do it again . This time they stayed with us longer , and then indeed we thought that all the devils of hell were let loose . Every man of us was now un horsed , and yet I doubt if these lancers lost more than ten . I will never meet them again , please you ! "
The dragoon's manner while recalling his experiences in that thrilling skirmish justified the picturesque language he used in telling the story .
( 6
Capt . J. C. MICHELL , 12th Lancers ( killed ) .

Raised from the ranks of the Rhodesian Protec torate Regiment in 1900 , at the age of 30 , ap tain John Colloryan Michell , Norfolk Regiment , showed brilliant qualities as an officer during the South African campaign . He was employed with the Commander - in - Chief's bodyguard , and took part in the relief of Mafeking . He served in Rhodesia and in the Transvaal , west of Pre toria . He was engaged at the action at Elands River , and was present at the operations in the Orange River Colony . The Queen's medal with four clasps and the King's medal with two were evidence of the extent of his participation in the South African struggle .
Young Lieutenant Wyndham - Quin Leads 12th Lancers ' Charge .
In the brilliant charge of the 12th Lancers against the flower of the Kaiser's Cavalry at Com piègne it fell to the lot of young Lieutenant Wynd ham - Quin , the well - known gentleman jockey , to lead his squadron , Major Bailey having been wounded and his second in command , Captain J. C. Michell , killed .
The lieutenant came unhurt through an engage ment in which the Lancers charged the enemy again and again .
Lieut . Wyndham - Quin's father , Colonel H. H. Wyndham - Quin , formerly M.P. for South Glamor ganshire and heir presumptive to the Earl of Dun raven , was at the head of the Glamorgan Imperial Yeomanry in the South African War .
Major P. J. BAILEY , D.S.O. , 12th Lancers ( wounded . )
Major Percy James Bailey , D.S.O. , 12th Lancers , eldest son of the late Sir James Bailey , was born in 1873. Joining his regiment at the age of 22 , he received his captaincy six years later , and his majority seven years after that . The South African campaign found him continuously engaged from 1899 to 1902. He took part in the advance on Kimberley , and was present et its relief . Among the actions at which he assisted those at Magersfontein , Paardeberg , Driefontein , Houtnek , Zand River , Johannes burg , Diamond Hill , Lindley , Bethlehem , and Wittebergen . At Poplar Grove he was severely wounded , but he served again later in the year . Afterwards he received a Staff appointment , being staff officer to a column . He was men tioned in despatches , received the D.S.O .. the Queen's medal with six clasps , and the King's medal with two clasps . In 1907 he married Miss Dorothy Bowles , younger daughter of Mr. Thomas Gibson Bowles .
Lieutenant JoHN EDEN , who is reported in our obituary column as having been killed in action on the 18th iust . , was born on October 9 , 1888. He was edu cated at Eton and the Royal Military College , Sand- hurst , receiving his commission in the 12th Lancers on January 27 , 1909 , and being gazetted lieutenant on May 25 this year . He was the eldest son of Sir William and Lady Eden , of Windlestone , Ferryhill , Durham .