Back to Album of watercolours, facsimilie watercolours, prints and cuttings relating to the 9th Royal Lancers. Vol 1 1750-1847 Photographs


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Accession number 912L : 2440/3
Transcription Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research , Vol . XV
VEDETTE , 9TH LANCERS , 1857 . ( From a contemporary water - colour by Captain R. D. Upton . )
365. VEDETTE , 9TH LANCERS , 1857. - The illustration on the opposite page is from a water - colour called " Vedette , 9th Lancers , 1857 , " one of a series done during the Siege of Delhi by Capt . R. D. Upton of that regiment .
Captain Roger Dawson Upton served with the 9th Lancers in suppression of the Indian Mutiny in 1857-59 , and was present at the Battle of Budlekeserai ( horse shot ) , Siege of Delhi , Siege and Capture of Lucknow , the summer campaign in Oude and Rohilcund , and actions at Rhodamow and Allygunge , capture of Bareilly , action at Shahjehanpore and pursuit to Mahomdee , passage of the Gogra at Fuzabad ( medal and clasps ) . He retired in 1862 .
The picture is in the possession of his son , Capt . E. J. Upton , D.S.O. , of Waschbank , Jammerdrift , O.F.S. , South Africa .
Description of Uniform . - The collar , shoulder straps , and cuffs of the jacket are edged with red , otherwise the whole uniform is white , as are also the cover of the head - dress and the sword belt ; boots black ; rolled cloak , blue . In the original the pistol in the Vedette's right hand is clearly shown .
45 .
Farabineers ,
How the old qu . ( Lancers ) looked when I mez Tiems as I was going all country the end of 58- ( India 1858 ) . Copoy of original sketch belonging to Mayon Corvins ,
Hövüncaniſh ,
arthur .