Back to Photos of 9th Lancers c1860-1941 including Sir James Hope Grant, photos of the Tidworth Tattoo 1938 and service in the Second World War Photographs

Item 0003

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Accession number 912L : 2090/15
A reception was held at
Lower Grove House , Grove End Road , the residence of Mrs. Red mond McGrath , the mother of Miss Pamela Kingsmill , after the wedding of the latter to Mr. Frank Furlong , the amateur jockey and win ner of the last Grand National , son of Major Furlong , of Skeffington Hall , Leicestershire . Above are the HON . MRS . JAMES RODNEY , MRS . JOHN DEWAR , and ( on right ) MR . JOHN DEWAR .
Right : The bridesmaids at the Furlong - Kingsmill wedding : LADY CECILIA WELLESLEY , MISS DAPHNE KINGSMILL ( sister of the bride ) , MISS
NANCY HARMOOD BANNER , and MISS BABS GWYNNE ( left to right ) . The two little attendants are AUDREY MORGAN GRENVILLE - GAVIN and CAMILLA CLIFFORD .
The bride , MRS . FRANK FURLONG , giving one of the little bridesmaids a sip of wine . At the back ( left to right ) are MISS DAPHNE KINGSMILL , LADY CECILIA WELLESLEY , and MISS BARBARA GWYNNE ; in the front : CAMILLA CLIFFORD and AUDREY MORGAN
MR . and MRS . FRANK FURLONG leaving St. Marylebone Church after their wedding . The bride is the daughter of Colonel Andrew de Portal Kingsmill and of Mrs. Redmond McGrath .
At the reception at Lower Grove House : EARL POULETT , MR . JOHN LODER , and the HON . MRS . BAILLIE - HAMILTON .
The COUNTESS OF JERSEY , with quite one of the newest hats , and her sister - in - law , MRS . EDWARD CHILD - VILLIERS , wife of Lord Jersey's younger brother .
9/35 .
Capt . Errol Prior - Palmer and Miss Katherine Bibby These two announced their engagement a week or two ago ; they were photographed at Heston Air Port . Captain Prior - Palmer is in the 9th Lancers , and his fiancée is the younger daughter of the late Frank Bibby
The marriage of CAPTAIN GEORGE ERROL PRIOR - PALMER , 9th Lancers , to MISS KATHARINE BIBBY , younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bibby , of Hardwick Grange , Shrewsbury , took place at St. Margaret's , Westminster . photograph shows the bride and bridegroom with the attendants . The grown - up bridesmaids , who included Lady Ann Child Villiers , Miss Caroline Clive , and the Misses Harrison , wore picturesque hooded dresses in flame red .
The Bishop of Southwell yesterday christened the infant son of Capt . and Mrs. Vere - Laurie , of Caunton Grange , Newark , giving him the names George Edward . The ceremony took place at the Parish Church of Carlton - on - Trent , the Rev. J. K. Jacques assisting the bishop .
The Marquess of Titchfield , Mr. G. Grosvenor , 9th Lancers , and Lady Laurie were the godparems .
Those present included :
The Hon . Mrs. Skeffington - Craig ( great - grand . mother ) . Mrs. Vere - Laurie and Mr. and Mrs. Francklin ( grandparents ) , Miss Francklin , Capt . and Mrs. Sherbrooke , Sir Joseph and Lady Nall , Mr. W. Francklin , Mr. and Mrs. R. Francklin , Mr. and Mrs. W. Seely , Lady Gardner , and Mr. S. Vere - Laurie .