Back to Mobilisation of the Regiment at Norwich. Also obituaries and cuttings regarding 12Ls during first months of WWI. Photographs

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Accession number 912L : 2281
By the death of Major Eustace Crawley , of the 12th Lancers , which was recorded yesterday , Harrow loses one of her most famous sons - of high achievement in the Service , super - excel lent in sport . It is easy to recall even now that far - off Friday in Eton and Harrow at Lord's when the sturdy , fair - headed boy of small stature was making the hundred that on the Saturday went so far to beating Eton ; and then . two years later ( 1887 ) Eustace Crawley made his famous 103 ( not out ) for Cambridge against Oxford . He is the only cricketer who ever made a hundred in both Eton and Harrow and Oxford and Cambridge matches - a unique feat that has stood now for a quarter of a century or more . Any man who can get a hundred must be a good bat ; but Crawley , with his straightness , was very typical of Harrow and of the coaching of the Walkers , of Southgate , and of Mr. A. J. Webbe , In racquets Major Crawley was a genius at school , at Cambridge , and in the Services . He and Major Eastwood in the early days of the present Prince's Club at Knightsbridge had a long innings in the holdership of the Grand Military Challenge Racquets Cup . No schools could touch Harrow in racquets in the Crawley days , though Eton now and again produced a good pair sent up by that admirable coach Grimason . When he entered the cavalry Eustace Crawley readily became a fine horseman . He was a hard and bold rider and was always " at home " either at Sandown Park or at Aldershot - both severe cross - country courses - when the military meetings were on . Major Crawley had a long career of war service in South , West , and East Africa , and a few weeks ago he was amongst those mentioned in the famous despatch from Sir John French .
Major EUSTACE CRAWLEY , who was killed in action at Ypres on November 2 , secured his commission in the 12th Lancers as second lieutenant in 1889 and his promotions were in 1891 , 1897 , and 1900. He had very extensive war service . For work in Sierra Leone ( 1898-9 ) he received a medal with clasp ; in West Africa . also in 1898 he was in command of the Expedition to Bula . He went right through the South African War ( 1899-1902 ) , first as Special Service officer and after wards on the Staff . He was at the relief of Kimberley and in the actions at Paardeberg , the Zand River , Diamond Hill , Lindley , Bethlehem , and Wittenberg . Mentioned in despatches , he received the Queen's medal with four clasps and the King's medal with two clasps . Afterwards he was employed in Northern Nigeria , and was in the Kano - Sokoto Campaign , and also commanded the operations to the East of Zaria . For these services he received the medal with clasp . Major Crawley was educated at Harrow and Cam bridge and was born in 1868 .
The following Officers had the honour of being re ceived by the King this morning , when his Majesty invested them with the Insignia of Companions of the Order into which they have been admitted :
The Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Military Division Surgeon - General M. W. O'Keeffe , Brigadier General W. G. Walker , V.C. , and Lieutenant - Colonel F. Wormald , 12th ( Prince of Wales's Royal ) Lancers . The Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George : Lieutenant - Colonel L. I. Wood , the Border
MACNAGHTEN . - On Nov. 7th , at Sunninghill , Thorpe , Norwich , the wife of Major Balfour Macnaghten , 12th Royal Lancers , of a daughter .