Back to Mobilisation of the Regiment at Norwich. Also obituaries and cuttings regarding 12Ls during first months of WWI. Photographs

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Accession number 912L : 2281
Transcription 15 .
Captain FANE WRIGHT STAPLETON MURRAY , killed in action on October 30 , was born on October 16 , 1879 , and received his commission from the Militia in the 12th Lancers on December 20 , 1899 , being gazetted lieutenant in October , 1900 , and captain in November , 1907. He served in the South African War ( 1899 1902 ) , and received the Queen's medal with four clasps . He was the eldest son of Colonel and Mrs. Gostling Murray , of Whitton Park , Hounslow , and of The Moat , Charing , Kent .
MURRAY - Killed in action , Oct. 30th , Fane Wright Stapleton Murray , Captain 12th Royal Lancers , eldest son of Colonel and Mrs. Gostling - Murray , of Whitton Park , Hounslow , and The Moat , Charing , Kent , aged thirty - five . A Memorial Service will be held at Charing , Saturday , Nov. 7th , at twelve o'clock .
of the 12th Lancers , who is reported killed , was
a well - known officer in Norwich
Captain EDWARD HUBERT LEATHAM , of the 12th Lancers , is reported to have been killed at the front struck by a shell while going to help a wounded man . He was the second and only surviving son of Mr. Edmund Leatham , banker , of Pontefract . Captain Leatham entered the Army in October , 1906 , secured his lieutenancy in 1908 , and only recently became captain . He was twenty - eight years of age .
a ony surviving son of the late
Mrs. Innes , Bishopsthorpe , Inverness , aged twenty - nine . LEATHAM . - On Oct. 31st , killed in action near Ypres , E. Hubert Leatham , Lieut . 12th Lancers , aged twenty - eight
years .
MCGRIGOR . - On the 7th instant , at 59 , Cadogan - square , of received in action on the 24th October , James Neil 2nd Lieutenant , 1st Battalion Gordon High son of Cantain Sir James
Second Lieutenant MUSGRAVE CAZENOVE WROUGHTON , who is reported as having died of wounds on October 30 , received his commission in the 12th Lancers on October 1 , 1913. He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Musgrave Wroughton , of Creaton Lodge , Northampton , and 77 , Chester - square , and was in his twenty - fourth year .
CRAWLEY - Killed in action , on November 2nd , at Ypres , Eustace Crawley , Major 12th Lancers , husband of Violet Crawley , aged forty - six .
A l - inn
Four Gailant Sportsmen and a Splendid Regimen
THE 12TH LANCERS ' POLO TEAM - ALL MEMBERS OF WHICH HAVE APPEARED IN THE CASUALTY LIS From left to right are : Captain T. R. Badger ( reported wounded ) , Lieutenant R. S. W. R. Wyndham - Quin ( reported wounde Lieutenant B. G. Nicholas ( repo ted wounded ) , Lieutenant E. H. Leatham ( reported killed )
Private advices from the Commanding Officer state that Captain Edward Hubert Leatham , the only officer of the 12th Lancers from Norwich who had not been wounded , has been blown to pieces by a German shell while viding to the succour of a wounded man . Captain Leatham was the grandson of a former Yorkshire M.P. , and his only brother , a Dragoon Yeomanry officer , died while visiting him in India . His sister is with the Red Cross in France , His cousin is a famous racquets champion , and four other cousins hold commissions .
He was a splendid cross - country rider , had the Army point - to - point , and was prominent at Sandown Park . He captained the Norfolk County polo teasa this year .