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Transcription She heard them call out to Fset the pieces on fire , and it was not until she perceived by the smell that they were actually burning that she quitted her situa tion and fied down stairs , making her way through the crowd , which opened to let her pass to the house of a neighbour . Mr Thompson having gone to Manchester , an express was sent af . ter him , and he arrived with a party of the 12th Lancers , whom The overtook on the road . Three companies of the 18th Foot , commanded by Captain Doran , shortly after marched to the place and took possession of the premises . At this time , four o'clock , A.M. , the town is thronged with operatives from all parts of this populous district . All the mills are stopped , and the people seem to be in a state by no means calm . The two men who were rescued this morning have been given up by their com rades , or rather have surrendered voluntarily . It is reported that two other of the rioters are wounded ; it is known that two of Mr Thompson's workinen are not to be found , and it is fear ed they have fallen into the hands of the rioters , and been kill ed by them . 2000 WEDNESDAY . - Few of the mills were occupied by work people this morning , and as early as seven o'clock , the trades unionists assembled at Oldham Edge in great numbers , and were entreated by several working men to stand firm to the unions , but conduct themselves peaceably . They passed a re solution to cease working until the unionists were tried . One o'clock . A stone being thrown to - day at one of the sol diers in High - strect , the crowd were dispersed by the military , the riot act being read previously by Mr Holme . A great number of special constables were sworn in at the Angel Inn . The soldiers were mustered opposite the Angel . The two unionists apprehended on Monday night were this day bound to appear at the Salford sessions when called upon . Taylor and Jump , two of the rioters taken into custody last night for throwing stones at the mill windows , were remanded . The Rev. John Holme , Thos . S. Mills , and Jos . S. R. Evans , Esqrs . , magistrates , issued a placard , desiring the people to be peaceable , and reminding them of the powers of the riot act. All the factories in the town and neighbourhood are at a stand . In the forenoon of Wednesday , one of the largest meetings ever . held in that neighbourhood was held on Oldham Edge , when resolutions were agreed to that all members belonging to the Trades ' Union in Lancashire should stand for the present .. Delegates were there from the different towns for 20 miles round . The company broke up peacebly , and sang the 100th psalm tune . No town in Lancashire was ever kuzown to be in such an agitated state for some time past as Oldham is at pre sent . Another meeting was agreed to be held on Thursday. The inquest over Bentley is to be held at the house of Robert Collinge , the William IV . Inn , on Thursday .
Another very numerous meeting was held on the Moor , on Thursday morning . The Operatives simply resolved not to go to work till their grievances were redressed , and then only on the " Regenerating principle " of eight hours work and pay for twelve ; they quietly dispersed . The examination of the prison ers charged with riot was résumed , and the result was , that 12 of them were sent off to Manchester , under the escort of a troop of Lancers . Seven of the men are committed to Lancaster Cas tle , and five to the Sessions .
APRIL , 1834 . April 2 .
The 12th Royal Lancers , under the command of Colonel Stawell , have received orders to march from Manchester for Gloucester on the 14th instant , and the 5th Dragoon Guards , from Dublin , are to replace them .
April 5 .
The troop of the 12th Lancers , at present at Manchester , will remove to Clifton , in place of the 8th Hussars , on the 14th instant .
Limerick .
May 10 .
The 12th Lancers arrived this day at Birmingham .
12th day of June , 1834 . The Veteran General Archdall , whose nephew now repre sents Fermanagh , lost an arm when leading a charge of the 12th Light Dragoons , at Alexandria , in Egypt , in 1801 ; on the same day the valiant Abercrombie was killed . The nephew will inherit his uncle's large estates in Fermanagh , Tyrone , and the Queen's County . The Enniskillen Paper says " The ceremonies of the election having concluded , Mr. Archdall ascended the chair , tastefully decorated with orange and blue , and bearing the motto , " Protestant Ascen dancy , " in which he was borne through the town , accompa nied by a crowd of his friends and supporters . "
Mr. Archdall , the newly elected Representative for Fer managh , is a Lieutenant in the 6th Enniskilleners . 1834
APRIL 22 , 1834 .
In this borough , as at most of the other manufacturing towns of Lancashire , lodges of Trades ' Unions have been established . 14 , one of these lodges was assembled at a small public house in Cotton Street , and some intimation having been given to the authorities of the place that unlawful oaths would be administered , three of the officers , Heywood , Page , and Haslam , enteted the house at about eleven o'clock , and took post at the foot of the stairs . Page went up and entered the room , which contained about 100 persons ; the caudles were immediately blown out , and he was attacked and kicked violent . ly ; most of the men at the same time made a rush to the stairs , and overpowered those stationed below , and all escaped with the exception of two , who were taken into custody . Their books , papers , and every document were left , and taken posssession of by the police , who conveyed them and their two prisoners to a place of safety .
An attack .
About half - past eight on Tuesday morning , as the prisoners were being conveyed to the residence of the Rev. J. Holme , at Hollinwood , for the purpose of being examined , the officers ( Heywood and Page ) who were escorting them were attacked by a great crowd of persons in Manchester - street ; the prisoners were rescued , and the officers most severely beaten . was made on some houses situate in Cotton - street , inbabited by workpeople belonging to Mr Thompson , of Bankside Mill , who had about eighteen weeks since become obnoxious to the spin ners by refusing to comply with some demands made upon him by their Unious . Mr Thompson afterwards worked his mil by fresh hands , and having been repeatedly threatened with vios lence to his property , had placed fire - arins in the hands of about . Half a dozen workmen , who , seeing from the mill the assailants outrage on their premises , began to fire on the people , and one man of the name of Bentley was shot a little above the nibble of the left breast , and immediately expired . The crowd now rush ed infuriated upon the mill , the dwelling - house , and premises on all sides : the windows of the mill were entirely smashed by Stones thrown from the street ; the machinery was comparative ly but slightly injured . The dwelling - house , in which were at that time only Mrs Thompson and a few servants , was next attacked , and completely sacked from bottom to top . Every room , from the cellars to the garrets , was entered , and the va luable furniture of every description demolished ; such a scene of complete demolition was never before presented by a Lanca shire mob . The liquors were drunk in the cellars ; the cabinets rifled and broken ; the victuals eaten , and about L50 in money stolen . One of the lower rooms was filled with printing cloths , which the mob set fire to . Mrs Thompson was at the time in a bed - room above , in which she had taken refuge when the lower part of the premises was attacked .
WEDNESDAY , 23d April ,
Twelve of the rioters at Oldham were conveyed to Man chester on Thursday evening , by a troop of the 12th Lancers .
The route of the 12th Lancers from Manchester to Glou cester , is suspended for the present .
MAY 12 , 1834 .
The 12th and 17th Lancers are the only Cavalry Regiments on the home establishment that retain two Lieut . - Colonels , while it is equally curious that those corps have but one Major each . The two senior Lieut . - Colonels of the 12th and 17th are beside Lieutenant - Generals in the Army , but in command of those Regiments since the year 1799 .
July 16 .
The Adjutant of the 12th Lancers has been 26 years a Lieutenant , and he has three sons , all holding commissions in the British cavalry , and in the same department that of riding - master ; two of them of equal rank with himself , the other a Cornet .
October 11 .
The troop of the 12th Royal Lancers , which has been stationed at Brecon since May last , under the command of Captain Glegg , marched from thence to Abergavenny , on Thursday . Their conduct while at Brecon has been remark ably orderly , and their departure is much regretted .