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A Twelfth Roual Lancer rehearsing at Tidworth , Wiltshire , for the Royal Tournament at Olympia . He is picking up a handkerchief in this position while travelling at the gallop .
S & T . WEBB .
Taking a tent - peg from between a man's legs at the gallop - a test of the rider's skill and of the other man's nerve ,
Packed galleries gave the King and Queen a great welcome at Olympia this afternoon , when their Majesties visited the Royal Tournament . Their Majesties were attended by Sir Charles Cust , Sir Derek Keppel , Sir Frederick Pon sonby , Lady Bertha Dawkins , and Lady Ampthill .
The 12th Royal Lancers lined the entrance corridor , and a guard of honour , composed of de tachments from the Royal Naval Brigade and the Grenadier Guards , was in the arena .
His Majesty was in Field - marshal's service uni form , and spent some time inspecting the guard of honour , afterwards taking the salute at the march past .
He then rejoined the Queen in the royal box . The programme included the popular musical ride by the 12th Lancers and a driving display by the R.A.S.C. Other events were the jumping competition between the cadets from Woolwich and Sandhurst , a mounted display by the 12th Royal Lancers , vaulting on horseback by the cadets from Woolwich and Sandhurst , and the pageant " Scotland in Arms . "
The King , attired in the Service uni form of a Field - Marshal , attended the Royal Tournament at Olympia yester day afternoon and took the salute dur ing an imposing march past of the troops , while the Queen looked on from the Royal box .
It was a brilliant spectacle , and a large audience , which included a bat talion of military cadets and another of orphan girls of the Guards ' Orphan age , applauded with unrestrained en
thusiasm .
The King and Queen were received by General Jeffreys , commanding the Home District . The Guard of Honour , drawn up in the arena ,, was composed of the Royal Naval Brigade and the Grenadier Guards . The 12th Royal Lancers lined the entrance to the cor ridor ,
The musical ride by the 12th Lancers is full of new features and groupings . The men make excellent use of the lance , and the charge , section against section , is an affair that leaves the onlooker gasping at its daring . A number of the non - com missioned officers and men from the 12th later on do many clever tricks of horse manship , with plenty of delightful clown ing included .
The King and Queen watching the musical ride of the 12th Lancers at Olympia .- ( Daily Sketch . )
H.R.H. the Duke of York visited the Royal Tournament at Olympia yesterday afternoon , and on arrival inspected the Royal Air Force Guard of Honour in the arena , afterwards taking the salute as the guard marched out . It is interesting to note that 50 per cent . of them are recruits with less than five weeks ' training . In the vestibule the guard was found by the 12th Royal Lancers
The 12th : Lancers did a l musical ride fully up to standard , and looked splendid in their full - dress with their scarlet plumes and the red - and - white pennons of the lances . Later their N.C.O.'s , disguised as most horrible bandits , gave a wonderful exhibition of tent - peggings
The musical ride has been a popular feature ever since the 1st Life Guards introduced it in 1882 . The spectators have little idea of the amount of pains and patience necessary for the preparation of this spectacle . One trivial mistake would mar the beauty of the whole , so the 12th Royal Lancers have been rehearsing and rehearsing for weeks . Upon them also devolves a trick riding display , arranged in the form of a Frontier episode . It is supposed that a deputation of chiefs from a tribal State wish to impress the British with the justice of their claim to rank among the nations , and , as evidence of their highly civilised state , give a display of some of their ordinary sports , including tent - pegging , picking up handkerchiefs from the ground at the gallop , and Cossack riding .
The Duke of Connaught arrived at Olympia about half past two o'clock , and was met by Lieutenant - General Jeffreys , G.O.C. London District , Lieutenant - Gene ral Sir A. Codrington , Brigadier - General Sir Wallis King , and Lieutenant the Earl of Brecknock .
A guard of honour was formed of dis mounted men of the 12th Royal Lancers ( Prince of Wales's Own ) , from the Ham mersmith entrance to the Royal box . A
The musical double ride by the 12th Royal Lancers , which was described in The Daily T'elegraph yesterday , was again given in a fault less manner , and the amusing display of fancy tent - pegging and horsemanship by non - commis sioned officers of the same regiment was greeted with the hearty applause it deserved .
what perhaps appeals most particularly to the spectators is the musical ride of the 12th Royal Lancers , who in blue and scarlet - breasted tunic , plumed helmets , with lance and flutter ing pennon , ride into the arena amid en thusiastic plaudits .. The ride includes evolu tions of the trot and canter , and a display of training with the lance , and a charge from either end of the arena . It is certainly a re markable demonstration of what might be termed " communion " between man and beast in performing complicated and delicate evolu tions .
The band of
the 12th Royal Lancers , of which regiment the Prince is Colonel - in - Chief , will be in attendance each day .
Four days have passed since the Royal Tournament was opened at Olympia , and in that period the great naval and military spec tacle has had time to get , so to speak , into its stride . It was therefore a fine and per fectly smooth performance that was given yesterday afternoon before the King and Queen , who have more often witnessed the tournament on the first afternoon , when some little delays an 1 - hitches would be bound to uceur . The vast building was packed in all parts when their Majesties arrived and big crowds outside awaited their coming . Before the Royal entrance was a Guard of Honour , furnished by the 12th Lancers , who are taking so important a part in this year's programme .
Major - General G. D. Jeffreys , chairman , and many members of the General Committee received their Majesties , who were attended by Sir Derek Keppel , Sir Frederick Ponsonby , Captain the Hon . A. Hardinge , Lady Ampthill , and Lady Bertha Dawkins . A few minutes before the expected arrival of the King and Queen , the Naval Guard of Lionour , commanded by Lieutenant L. C. Cordeaux , and that furnished by the 1st Batt . Grenadier Guards , with the King's Colour , had marched into the arena to give the Royal Salute . The Queen proceeded direct to the Royal box , where a beautiful bouquet of pink carnations had been placed for her acceptance , but the King came into the arena to inspect the Guards of Honour , which he did very thoroughly . As soon as his Majesty , who was in Service uniform , had taken his place in the Royal box , the programme began , and every detail was followed with the closest attention and interest by their Majesties .
Of the rest of the pro grapase need only be said that it contains features that appeal to all lovers of good horse manship The double musical ride of the 12th Lancers is one of the best ever done here in the dignified intricacies of its movements . In the bare back riding and tent - pegging , done also by men of this famous regiment , memory goes back to a display given by Cossacks several years ago in London , and the English troopers do not suffer in comparison ,
Another equally indis pensable turn is the musical double ride , which is this year given very attractively by the 12th Royal Lancers . For once the artillery musical drive is omitted , but , on the other hand , there is an unusually generous display of the horthe - riding " which , as
In addition to
Mr. Sleary said , the publio " luvth . " the musical ride , the 12th Royal Lancers contribute another turn so clever and diverting that it would make the fortune of any circus .