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The Royal Tourname the most interesting of the year , will open
of all the military events
its doors on May 24 .
This year will be the
It is
fortieth in which it has been produced . actually forty - five years since the first perform ance was given in the open air on Wimbledon common for the entertainment of the then Volun teers at their annual rifle meeting , but there was a gap of five years during the war when no tourna ment could be held .
The cavalry ride this year will be given by the 12th ( Prince of Wales ' Own ) Lancers , who will also give an exhibition of trick riding , disguised as Indian hill tribesmen . The Prince of Wales inspected the regiment recently at Tidworth , and afterwards witnessed the riding display which will
be given at the tournament . His Royal Highness
was highly amused , and expressed warm approval
of the display ,
A part of this year's , tournament that many people will like even better is t'e display of trick - riding ? by men - or should it be circus - rides - of the 12th Royal Lancers .
It may not be commonly known that a deputation of chiefs from a recently formed tribal State is in London to im . press the British people with the justice of their claim to ranis among the nations That this is so the 12th Royal Lancers prove in the most fascinating way possible , by blacking their own faces , putting on gaudier clothes than even the Highlands of bygone days , and exhibiting an rncanny skill in per forming incredible ferts with the help of equally clever orses .
These feats are produced as evidence of the high civilis hione the visiting chiefs , whose erdiary recreation they
are .
The N.C.O.s of the 12th Latcers are 40
be congratulated on a piece of comedy acrobatics worthy of any stage .
" deputation " of the 12th Lancers are respon
in the
sible for an exeruciatingly funny item In the programme . garb of wild men , clothed in many coloured garments , with touselled hair and beards , they dash riding bareback into the arena , making un earthly yells ; then they execute some extra ordinary feats of tent pegging with lances and knives , picking up handkerchiefs when at full gallop , and Cossack riding . Displays of skilled horsemanship and animal training are further given
The Royal Tournament .
I was reminded of two things at the Royal Tournament yesterday . One was the reply , of a famous cavalry general , now in high command , when I asked him what he thought of the Uhlans , with whom his brigade was constantly having running fights in the Forest of Compiegne and other places during the retreat .
" Good fellows , " said he , " but they can't ride . "
The full bearing of this somewhat sur prising statement became clear to me when I saw the trick - riding of some non - commis sioned officers of the 12th Lancers at Olympia yesterday afternoon .
Tournament Trick Riding .
It is understood that the 12th Royal Lancers are rehearsing a novel display of trick riding for presentation to the public at the Royal Tournament . The display is to be given by non - commissioned officers of the regiment , who will be dressed in some Asiatic costume . The display will be based on a scheme which sup poses that head men of a tribe are visiting London to market concessions , and in order to impress the British public with their prowess they consent to perform at the Royal Tourna ment . That is the fiction . The reality con sists of tent pegging with knives , gathering the handkerchief , bare - back riding , standing up riding , and other feats of horsemanship . This should be thoroughly interesting and indicates the novel lines of this year's Tournament .
feature which has excited the interest of visitors from abroad is the special display to be given by the 12th Lancers , together with their musical ride .
Wonder Horses & ' Scotland in Arms ' at Olympia To - day .
The Royal Tournament , one of the great events of the year in London , fittingly enough , opens this year on Empire Day at Olympia . There was a private view yesterday , and the tournament was described as the best display yet given by the Navy , Army , and Air Force . The musical ride by the 12th Lancers is a won derfully attractive spectacle . The horses , which rival the most graceful of ball - room dancers , are the heroes of the hour .
During the afternoon the jumping ror the King's Cup for officers took place . The competitors were placed in the following
order :
Lieutenant H. G. Morrison , R.H.A. , Major C. T. Welwyn , R.H.A. , Lieutenant R. L. McCreary , 12th Royal Lancers , Captain E. O. Fonablanque , R.H.A. , Captain H. A. Pelly , Equitation School , Captain J. H. Dudgeon , R. Scots Greys , Lieutenant J. A. Allen , R.A.S.C. , and Lieutenant J. Moreton , K.D.G.
The mounted team competition , open to cavalry regi ments , and contested for by winning teams of the district competitions , was won by the Life Guards ( 1st and 2nd ) , with 208 , points , the runners - up , the 12th Royal Lancers , obtaining 195 points . Winners of silver cup and silver medals : Corporal A. Leyden , Trooper D. F. Pocock , Trooper H. Grove , Trooper N. C. Cole .
Jumping Competatlon , Army teams , other ranks. 12th Royal Lancers , 12 faults ; 1st King's Dragoon Guards , 15¹2 faults : Equitation Staff , Royal Military College , 32 faults ; 28th Brigade , Royal Field Artillery , 62 faults .
Jumping Competitions , Army Teams ( other ranks ) .- Final : 15th / 19th Hussars , 1 ; 1st King's Dragoon Guards , 2 ; Riding Establish ment , Royal Artillery , 3 ; 12th Royal Lancers , 4 .
1925 .