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Transcription DUBLIN , THURSDAY , MARCH 15 .
STATE OF THE COUNTRY . ( From the Kilkenny Moderator . )
A most outrageous and violent attack was made about nine o'clock on Sunday evening on one of the 12th Lancers , who was on duty at the half billet station in the centre of the town of Castlecomer ! Five fellows ran up to him , one of whom hit him a blow on the back part of the head with a large stick , which felled him to the ground ; another struck and cut him . severely with a stone , while a third jumped on his body . They then disarmed him of his sword , and ran off ; they were on the instant spiritedly pursued by Mr. George Trait , of Castle comer , assisted by another individual , and a corporal of the Lancers who , on hearing the noise , ran out of the barracks . The former seized one of the fellows near the bridge , and an other was afterwards captured , both of whom ( persons of the name of Bowe and Neal ) are at present in custody . The cor poral fired his pistol at another of these ruffians , who must have been severely wounded , as blood was traced the next morning in the direction which he took . The fellow who carried off the sword dropped it in his flight near Mr. Wandesforde's de ..
( FROM THE CORK REPORTER OF SATURDAY . ) TITHES . The entire city has been a scene of the most alarming excitation since twelve o'clock . At that hour about ten thousand people , headed by a band of music , with flags and colors flying , entered the city . All the garrison , cavalry and infantry , under the command of Sir George Bingham , were soon introduced - the shops of the principal streets closed - all business suspended - and tens of thousands of the populace perambulating the town . On the whole , such an exhibition of terror and dismay , of alarm and excitement , our city has seldom presented .
HALF - PAST Two o'CLOCK . - Amidst the yells of infuriated thousands , guarded by a squadron of Lancers , the fifteen unfortunate cows were driven from a field belonging to the high constable , where they had been since Thursday night , to the Grand Parade , and there exhibited for sale . The entire of that leading street was one dense mass of human beings , who occasionally set up tremendous cheers . Sur rounded by the troops , the process of auctioning was com .. menced the auctioneer a stranger , it is said a resident of Middleton . They were set up at 31. for each - no bidder ; 21. - no bidder ; 17. - no bidder ; in short , he descended to 38 . for each cow , but no purchaser appeared . This scene lasted for over an hour , when , there being no chance of making sale of the cattle , it was proposed to adjourn the auction ; but , as we are informed , the general in command of the mi litary expressed an unwillingness to have the troops subject to a repetition of the harrassing duty thus imposed on them . After a short delay , it was , at the interference and remon strance of several gentiemen , both of town and country , agreed upon that the cattle should be given up to the people , subject to certain private arrangements . At this hour , the cattle , followed by the people , frantic with joy , have just passed our office .
DUBLIN , THURSDAY , MAY 31 . Captain Pole's troop of the 12th , or Royal Lancers , left this garrison for Ballincollig , Cork , on Monday , under Lieut . Glegg . 1832
11th June , 1832 .
Captain Vandeleur's troop of the 12th Royal Lancers have got the route to join head - quarters at Ballincollig , near Cork , to be replaced by the Enniskillen Dragoons . Limerick will then be composed of the two distinguished Enniskillen Regi ments - 6th Dragoons and 27th Infantry , who both shared in the glories of Waterloo .
-June , 1832 .
MELANCHOLY EFFECT OF A ROMAN CATHOLIC MARRIAGE . MANSION - HOUSE , LONDON . - On Friday , Mary Ann Suther land , a woman of respectabie appearance , but in the most deplorable state of poverty , was brought with her three chil dren before his Lordship by an officer , who found them in the street evidently in want of food . The mother did not beg , but the unaffected picture of misfortune which she presented gathered a crowd about her , and a few halfpence were given to the famishing children . She stated to the Lord Mayor that she had been married twice in the Roman Catholic church to Angus Sutherland , who was discharged about seven years . ago from the 12th Lancers , and lately commuted his pension with the view of going to Montreal ,
July , 1832 .
KILKENNY ASSIZES CITY COURT - SATURDAY , JULY 21 . John Neal and William Bowe were indicted for assanlting and feloniously taking from John Bosworth , a private of the 16th Lancers , his sword , he being then ou guard as a sentinel at the cavalry barracks , at Castlecomer , on the night of the 11th of March .
John Bosworth examined - While on guard at Castlecomer cavalry barracks , abont nine o'clock , was struck on the side of the head with a stone which knocked him down ; he got up immediately , and was knocked down a second time by John Neal , who struck him with a stick ; ( identifies Neal ; ) when he was down William Bowe struck him and walked on him ; ( also identifies Bowe . )
Mr. George Van Treight examined . - Was in the street of Castlecomer on the night in question ; heard the sentry call out , " Guard , guard , I'm knocked down ; " turned and saw two men struggling with the sentry ; the men quickly ran away ; witness pursued them and never lost sight of the pri soner Neal ( whom he identified ) till he secured him at nearly a distance of 400 yards from where the offence was commit ted ; he brought him to the barracks , and gave him in charge to the guard .
Judge TORRENS , addressing Mr. Treight , remarked that his spirited conduct deserved the greatest credit ; and if those who were interested in the peace of the country acted as he did , there would be less crime , and combination would be easily suppressed .
James Duffy , corporal , examined - Pursued Bowe and ar rested him within 60 yards of the barracks .
Several other witnesses were examined on the part of the Crown .
The Jury , without leaving the box , brought in a verdict finding both prisoners Guilty . The unfortunate men were sentenced to be hanged on the 18th of August next .
Tueday , August 14 ,
His Excellency , shortly after his arrival in Cork from Cove on Thursday , proceeded to review the troops in garrison. His Excellency , accompanied by the Commander of the Forces , Major - General Sir George Bingham , and a numerous Staff , entered the Camp - field , where he was received with a salute of 21 guns . The garrison , consisting of the Artillery from Ballincollig , the 12th Royal Lancers , and the 9th and 14th Regiments , passed in review in slow and quick time ; but it having come on to rain , the usual evolutions on such occasions were dispensed with , and his Excellency having expressed his approbation of the order and steadiness of the troops in the field , repaired to the barracks , which he mi nutely inspected . The Noble Marquess returned to the Im perial Hotel at five o'clock , and shortly afterwards pro ceeded , according to appointment , to the Mansion - house , where he received in state the address of the Mayor , Sheriffs , and Corporation of the city of Cork ,
The force of the al Lancers which arrived in Limerick on Sunday from Ballincollig , comprise the troops of Captains Vandeleure and Pole , Lieutenants the Hon . C. R. W. Forester , and Hon . C. O'Callaghan . More Officers will join this week .
Limerick , Sept. 17 .
A General Court martial was held in Birmingham last week , to inquire into charges of insubordination against three privates of the 12th Lancers , named William Davis , Michael Brennan , and Peter Doyle . The Court opened on Tuesday , under the Presidency of Lieutenant - Colonel Madox , of the Enniskillen Dragoons , and continued from day to day until Friday evening , when the proceedings terminated . The sentences will not of course be promulgated until the pleasure of his Majesty is taken upon them .
September 13 , 1932 .
On Wednesday Lieut . the Hon . C. O'Callaghan , and thirty of the 12th Lancers , left Limerick for Cappamore , where they were to be joined on the following day by a strong force of the 5th Reserve , to assist in the collection of tithes in that district .
The 12th or Royal Lancers , in new scarlet and gold uni form , had a grand field day at the camp , Clonlong , on Thurs day , in presence of a large number of fashionables . They performed the lance exercise in full gallop , exhibiting the whole system of attack and defence . There was a dejeune gi ven subsequently the officers in the camp .